
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

From Athearn Bluebox to Marble Flat....

Completed flatcars in service on New England, Berkshire & Western.
Photo courtesy Rensselaer Model RR Society 
By Bill Gill
Photos by the author unless noted

Hi Marty, 
Don't know if this would qualify as prototype modeling or not. I recently detailed a pair of Athearn 40 ft flatcars for the NEB&W to approximate Rutland cars set up for marble service. I detailed and numbered the models for 2792 and 2755 shown in Shaughnessy's photo below, but they are, as is club practice, lettered for the NEB&W.  Bill Gill
Jim Shaughnessy photo courtesy Rensselaer Model Railroad Society (NEB&W)

Jim Shaughnessy photo Courtesy Rensselaer Model Railroad Society
 Compare the prototype side rivet pattern to the close up of the model below. 

Brake staff detail is scratchbuilt. Similar to prototype (below). (Note: rivets and uncoupling lever not yet added to end and original stirrups not yet replaced)